
Report Voice of America #Santa Claus

Report Voice of America

1. Title of the interview is Santa Claus.
2. Summary of interview
Santa Claus has some other names come from the Dutch who settled in New York long ago: Saint Nicholas, St. Nick, Kris Kringle, and Pelznickel.
Dutch honored Saint Nikolas who was believed gives gifts to children with a yearly festival on December sixth. Here, the Dutch spoke the name "Saint Nikolaas" very fast, so when the English sounded it like Santa Claus.
West of New York, in Pennsylvania, many German farmers called Saint Nikolas “Pelznickel”. To them, Saint Nicholas or Pelznickel was a man dressed in fur who came once a year with gifts for good children. People began to feel that the love and kindness Pelznickel brought should be part of a celebration honoring the Christkindl, as the Germans called the Christ child. After a time, this became Kris Kringle and later, Kris Kringle became another name for Santa Claus himself.

3. My opinion
        I think Santa Claus is loved by many people even if the name is different.
        Saint Nikolas gifts to children with a yearly festival. When, children will have been happy. And Pelznickel gifts for good children, so children will have done good think and their parents will have been pleased. And we also have loved Santa Claus even if we know Santa Claus who give us presents is our parents.


elllo939 Mari's Favorite Foods

Report ELLLO English
1. Title of the interview is 939 Mari's Favorite Foods
2. Summary of interview
Ÿ   Hamburger is Mari’s favorite dish. And her favorite hamburger place is called the Danish Burger. Because Danish Burger has blue cheese inside the hamburger.
Ÿ   She loves french fries but she knows that eating hamburger and french fries is a little bit unhealthy so she always replaces the french fries for a salad
Ÿ   Her favorite dessert is chocolate cake. Her favorite dessert is anything chocolaty.
Ÿ   She likes all vegetables which is cooked or raw but she doesn't like raw onions.

3. My opinion
        I think she likes foreign foods.
       Because a hamburger is an American food and a chocolate is from other country. And these are said high calorie. It is often said that Japanese foods are healthy.
But many people like other country foods. I also like a hamburger and pasta and so on. These are other countries food and high calorie. So when we have these foods, we should think a balance like her.


elllo820 City vs Country

Report ELLLO English

    No.3441037  Chika Kitano

1. Title of the interview is 820 City vs Country

2. Summary of interview

     ・Michele lived in Ontario in a small town called Beaverton which had less than 10,000 people.

                she prefer small towns to the city like Tokyo.

Because when she was really little she liked the small town that was nice to play outside with her friends and they always felt really safe.

               And There are nice people in small towns.

3. My opinion

        I also think small towns are very nice.


        My hometown is country. So I understand person’s warmth in the country. When I got home from the school, neighbor and people in my hometown said “Okaeri!”. So I think that people who are in small town cherish and love a surrounding person.